Curriculum and Instruction

Mrs. Tammy Brown
Elementary Curriculum Specialist
(205) 367-2080 ext. 709
Mrs. Haley McGee
Secondary Curriculum Specialist
(205) 367-2080 ext. 704

Collaborative Leadership
ACAP Quick Link for 2nd-5th Reading Instructional Resources for Teachers
Alabama Literacy Act
New Video Release: ACAP Summative for Families January 2024
This video has been produced through a collaborative effort involving the ARI and ALSDE Office of Student Assessment. Our aim is to provide families and communities valuable information and insight concerning the role of assessment to K-3 literacy instruction in Alabama.
The video provides answers to these FAQs:
What does the Alabama Literacy Act state about assessments?
What is the Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program (ACAP) Summative?
How does the ACAP Summative connect to the 3rd grade paths to promotion?
What information is provided on the ACAP Summative student report?